Puppy Training Principles Podcast
Episode 61: How to introduce a new baby to your dog!

We will go over how to introduce a new baby to your dog! I tell you the steps I would take as a dog trainer to ensure safety and happiness of all involved. This podcast was recorded in May of 2022, when Lorelei and I had 7 kids and were about to welcome #8!
2:53 We have a fun way of keeping the baby’s gender a surprise
Lorelei loves a good surprise. Me? Not so much. So we’ve come to a compromise we’re both happy with. About half way through a pregnancy, I come to see an ultrasound and the doctor let’s me in on the gender while Lorelei looks away.
Then my job is to keep this information totally to myself. I’m pretty good at it too, I must say.
Lorelei really struggles during the last month or two of pregnancies. Understandably so. It’s just so uncomfortable for her. Therefore, on a date of her choosing sometime during those last couple months, I plan a date where I tell her the gender in a special way. (It’s way more fun than finding out while laying on a doctor’s table during an ultrasound).
Then it’s just our secret as a couple until the day the baby is born.
We both love it!
4:16 How would I introduce a new baby to your dog?
So let’s get to the nuts and bolts of bringing a new baby home. How do I actually go about introducing a new baby to my dog?
5:20 Statistics show half of dog bites involve children
This is so sad to me. We must do better! All it takes is a little dog training education, building boundaries around our kids (in the dog’s eyes), and advocating for our dogs.
9:16 Safe is better than sorry
These are our children we’re talking about! Please play it safe! We all would like to think that our dog would never hurt our baby, but please be cautious. It never hurts to take these things slow. No need to rush it!
11:00 How to introduce the two
In this podcast episode, I go over the exact steps to take when having your dog first meet a new baby.
13:12 Build boundaries around your child.
Remember, your dog will be the most calm and relaxed when allowed to just be a dog and you show you’re a capable leader. Your dog shouldn’t have to feel the pressure of caring for this baby. You’re the parent. That’s your job.
There are certain things you can do as a dog owner to show your dog that you’re a capable leader and in charge of this new little human.
17:10 Advocate for your dog.
Your dog needs to know you’ve got his or her back as well. Your dog can feel pressured to bite a child if they feel there’s no other option to get out of uncomfortable situations with kids.
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