Great Dogs – Great Life

We rehab dogs with anxiety, aggression, hyper-activity and such through our online dog training courses. We love to see the owners quality of life improve!

FEatured Post:


Interview with a Breeder


Boudaries Lead to Freedom

Dog Training

Help! My dog is so nippy!

Dog Training

Jason goes on KSL



Dogs, personal development, family, and business are all topics we can't help but talk about all day! 

We love helping dogs AND their owners live their best lives--helping them know exactly where to they can BECOME a new & improved version of themselves...and UNLEASH their next level of awesome!

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Cornerstone Dog TRaining Blog

With over 20 years of breeding experience coupled with decades of cattle dog training, Melanie Daybell shares some puppy tips with us.

Interview with a Breeder


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Giving ourselves and our dogs certain purposeful boundaries will lead to greater freedom down the road.

Boudaries Lead to Freedom

Dog Training

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Puppy Training Principals Podcast Episode 70: Help! My dog is so nippy! Do you have a dog that is nippy? Jason answers some common puppy nipping questions for both a young puppy and an older dog! My Son Discovering He Can Get a Reaction From Me We have a 2-year-old son that is in such […]

Help! My dog is so nippy!

Dog Training

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Jason was on KSL with Winnie, a dog we trained almost a year ago for Stephanie Read of The Salt Project!

Jason goes on KSL


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Puppy Training Principles Podcast | Cornerstone Dog Training

Even if touchpoints with a person are short and far between, they can have a lasting impact. Just like the memories we have of our mechanic.

Memories and Mechanics

Faith and Family

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Dog Training Tools | Prong Collar | Cornerstone Dog Training

Don’t let tools become a crutch. Throughout the training process, allow your dog to make more and more decisions and use the tools to back up guiding them in the right direction. Gradually back off from the tools, until you find you don’t need them anymore.

The Dog-Training Tools Trap

Dog Training

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Creating a puppy schedule that's good for training | Cornerstone Dog Training

A good, predictable puppy schedule will reduce your stress and increase your training results with your puppy.

Puppy Schedule

Puppy Training

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Chick training and how it relates to dog training | Cornerstone Dog Training

We trained baby chicks to better understand dog training! Animals require in-the-moment feedback, motivation is key (not all dogs have the same motivation), and having an end goal with your training will make sure the path you’re on will get you there.

Chicken Training

Dog Training

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Dog training as a team | Cornerstone Dog Training

For the best results in dog training, avoid the two extremes of “I’m always right and you must do what I say” or the other extreme of “I let the dog do whatever they want because, well, they’re a dog.” Instead, let’s come together as a team and find a higher way, a better way, where we are neither doormats nor tyrants.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work in Dog Training!

Dog Training

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Get your beginner's guide to crate training, no matter the age or temperament of your dog.  Crate training is one of the best things you can for the overall happiness and well-being of your dog.  If you do it right, that is.  So start here!

Snag our Quick Start Crate Training Guide!

Better than Free Dog Loves...
well, almost

Want even more dog training tips and tricks?

We often say, "We don't teach dog tricks, we only teach functional obedience."  But hey, we won't shy away from teaching dog owners like you some things that may just feel like magic, dropped straight to your inbox once a week.