
Great Dogs – Great Life

September 12, 2024

We rehab dogs with anxiety, aggression, hyper-activity and such through our online dog training courses. We love to see the owners quality of life improve!

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We're Jason & Lorelei

We help families have a great life with their dogs by doing training that actually works.  Eight weeks to a more calm, trusted K9 companion...


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Puppy Training Principals Podcast

Episode # 60: Great Dogs – Great Life

What do we do here at Cornerstone? We rehab dogs with anxiety, aggression, hyper-activity and such. We love to see the owners quality of life improve!

01:40 Sammy the Pitbull with anxiety

2:54 Free Consultations (in person and phone)

6:47 Sammys owners were overwhelmed with excitement as they had been to 5 trainers before Cornerstone!

8:31 Online Puppy Course– Socialization, kennel, fixing problems before they start

9:52 We wrote a book! Find it at CornerstonePuppy.com/info. Or now it can be found on our website, cornerstonedog.com under the “Book” tab.

11:53 Teach a dog to be good in the kennel

13:20 8 Week process that an owner goes through using videos! Use our program to train from anywhere in the world!! cornerstonedog.com/chaos-to-calm-dog-training-course

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We are the husband and wife team behind Cornerstone.  We love people!  And we love helping people train their dog to be rockstars!  Okay, we've never had a dog literally become a rockstar, but you get the idea.

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We're Jason and Lorelei, your new dog-training friends.

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