Puppy Training Principles Podcast
Episode 21: Why Do Dogs Like Trees?
Why do dogs like trees, or why are dogs like trees? We have the amazing ability to better ourselves every day, though it does not happen without strife. It is the same with puppy training, but the more tools we have equipped to face the endeavor, the easier it will be to keep growing.
00:35- Secrets to the very best time to start training your puppy, and the second-best time.
2:34- Strong winds can be hard to endure, but without struggle we cannot gain the rewards of growth.
4:46- Intense management is important, but it does not last forever. Using short term goals and long-term goals hand in hand will help you endure the winds and help your puppy grow into something greater.
8:40- Impulse control and long-term goals that benefit you and your dog for a lifetime.
11:28- Short term goals are not forever, management fades with growth.
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