Puppy Training Principles Podcast
Episode 11: Focus Kills Chaos
Puppies and dogs have heightened senses in comparison to humans. Imagine a gym with a full crowd, if you can focus in on a singular person, even if they aren’t right next to you, you can start to hear what is going on. Focus kills chaos and helps our puppies dial in and cut out the background noise.
1:26 – With all the distractions in our noisy world, how do we help our puppies focus?
4:14 – If you have a dogs eye contact, you have their attention. Where their eyes are, their brain is.
5:46 – Can you train focus? Yes, let us teach you how!
8:04 – Focus is beneficial, not only for the puppy’s mental health, but for your relationship with your dog.
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#focuskillschaos #puppy #dog #eyecontact #dogsmentalhealth
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